Brambus BSIN02575269

Clamür - Ferm Tubac

Clamür – Ferm tubac
Clau Maissen (sax.), Christian Müller (p.), Lucas Schwarz (b), Andriu Maissen (dr.)
Once again brambus proves their reputation as well established talent scouts and signs a young and dynamic jazz group from the country side of Graubunden and here is their debut CD „Ferm Tubac“ (strong stuff). The expression “Ferm Tubac” is in the Romanish language and is a pretty known saying, which was made up by a story of a hunter who met the devil and gave him a special introduction in the use of a riffle... ferm tubac!
„Ferm Tubac“ as well is the debut of „Clamür“, which features only self penned compositions. They unite known and unique ways of handling a great jazz composition and try their musical disentanglement on one side and keep the approved way on the other. The CD features five compositions of the piano player Christian Müller and another two by the sax virtuoso Clau Maissen. From their style, they are “international” and very difficult to put in a pigeonhole.
1. Transpiano
2. Do-gä do-gä
3. Carin
4. Ballabeina
5. Song For Paula
6. Pianobrand
7. Perpetuum Mobile
Released 2007.
Price: 18,90 EUR