Brambus BSIN02727619

Kapsamun - Prishtina

Kapsamun – Prishtina
The program of the 1996 formed quintet from Basel is based on new arranged traditional compositions from the kosovo folk music and from this influenced additional self penned compositions, played full of temperament and energy and with the open spirit for the new jazz world. The band had for the first time the possibility to play concerts in Prishtina in September 2001. Those concerts found outstanding reactions of the local population and became a very special experience for all musicians. The various impressions they collected in the reconstruction of that region have been a very strong inspiration for their compositions on this, their second cd release, which became titled after the town Prishtina. The journey to the mother country of the kosovo folk music was a very strong meeting with influences in between tradition and modern times. In these new influences full of tradition, they added self penned compositions with very contemporary trends like nu-jazz and drum’n’bass. These influences have been enlarged by the addition of synthesizers in the band sound. The new album has been presented in Kosovo with big success during the month of September.
The music of “Kapsamun” lives strongly from the varied characters and musical backgrounds of the bandmembers, which reaches from the Kosovian saxplayer Arsim Leka over Swiss artists which have grown in jazz, blues, bluegrass, folk, experimental music and more, lining up Marcel Zimmermann (violin), Samuel Wettstein (piano, synth., darbuka), Florian Abt (standup bass) and Benjamin Brodbeck (drums and darbuka).
1. Valle
2. Im Mai
3. Another Suite
4. Enderroj Per Ty
5. Sikur Ta Dija
6. Mehmetja
7. Kur Zemra Dhemb
8. E.F.F.
9. Vallezo
10. Flutura Iku
11. Transsylvania Express
12. Prishtina
Released 2003.

"Mit Synthesizer oder Klavier, Violine, Bass, Schlagzeug und Darbuka werden unterschiedliche Strömungen wie Jazz, Weltmusik, Drum & Bass oder gar Salsa(!) in die oft rasanten Themen, in die mal fröhlichen, mal melancholischen Stimmungen eingebaut. Die vielen einzelnen Leckereien lassen die finale Mixtur schließlich zu dem werden, was sie ist: weltoffen, spannend, virtuos, groovy, mitreißend. Da wird beim Zuhören das Herz richtig warm vor Freude." (C. Giese in Jazzthetik 5 / 03)
Price: 18,90 EUR