Spalax BSIN02702966

Morricone, Ennio - Dalle Ardenne Allinferno (OST)

Komponist: Ennio Morricone

New series of Ennio Morricone soundtracks that Spalax is licensing. Each CD in the series has 2 original soundtracks on 1 CD. This one with Dalle Ardenne All'Inferno (1968). Morricone created somewhere between 300 & 400 soundtracks, most notably in the early 60s and 70s. "Morricone brought a 'surrealistic panorama of strange cries, savage guitar chords, jangling bells and cracking of whips'. The results have been described as sounding like 'Mitch Miller on dope'". The packages replicate original movie posters, with plot outlines, but no musical background or notes are included. More detailed information is well beyond my scope. Il Sorriso..., with its layers of chirping, montaged female vocals and interludes of organ-rock gushing sure is a weird experience, worthy of repeated listens.
Released 1997.
Preis: 18,90 EUR